Every school year brings with it a range of exciting school events, from new Prep students starting, Grades 4-6 students heading off on camp, our Peppercorn BBQs (your chance to meet other parents), Meet the Teacher events, Mothers & Fathers Day activities, Lapathon and our whole school assemblies amongst others. All events will be promoted here, on Compass and in the newsletter (issued fortnightly).
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Billy Cart racing…
The year 6’s will be facing off against each other in the Billy Cart Racing spectacular on Thursday 13th March at 2:30.
Excitement levels are high

Preps Commence School
Preps have their first day at school! This day will be a half day from 9:00 to 1:30.

Last Day of Term
The last day of the school year! There will be an early dismissal at 1:30.

Prep Royal Botanic Garden Discovery Excursion
As part of the students’ PYP ‘Sharing the Planet’ unit, they will visit the Children’s Community Garden at the Royal Botanic Gardens.

Year 6 Graduation
We will celebrate the achievements of our Year 6s at their Graduation Night.

Kaboom Kids Incursion
Kaboom Kids will be visiting our school to support our students with a strong focus on multi-ages team work and leadership building program filled with explosive energy, atmosphere, music, and fun!

Meet your 2025 Teachers
We will be turning the school into 2025, with all students working with their 2025 teacher in their 2025 classroom!

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Day
The whole state will be running their Year 6 to Year 7 transition sessions.

2025 Prep Transition - Primary School Discovery Session 3
Our 2025 Preps are coming for their third transition session into Kew Primary!

2025 Prep Transition - Primary School Discovery Session 2
The 2025 Preps have their second transition session at our school.

Physical Action Team Excursion
The Year 6 Action Team will be visiting the Victorian Weightlifting Association, where students will be able to see and talk to athletes that compete at a high level to learn more about the world of physical activity!

Prep Fire Brigade Truck Visit
As part of their unit of inquiry, the Prep students will have a visit from the local fire brigade!

Year 4 Celebration Ride
To celebrate the end of their week of Bike Education, the Year 4s will be going for a celebration ride.

Year 5 Deep Sky IMAX Excursion
13 billion years in the making, DEEP SKY reveals the universe as we have never seen it before; immersing audiences in the stunning pictures beamed back to earth by NASA’s new telescope — and capturing their vast beauty at a scale that can only be experienced on the giant IMAX screen.

2025 Prep Transition - Primary School Discovery Session 1
Our 2025 Preps are coming for their first transition session into Kew Primary!

Bike Education Program
The Bike Skills incursion program develops students’ physical literacy and their knowledge, skills, and understanding of bike riding and road safety.

Year 6 Economics and Business Incursion
In the hands-on, full day 'Smoothie Bar' incursion, students will embark on a quest to create a smoothie product and marketing campaign that promotes health and wellness in their community.

Exhibition and Celebration of Learning
Families will be welcomed into your child’s classroom to celebrate learning and achievements.

Prep Fire Brigade Truck Visit
As part of their unit of inquiry, the Prep students will have a visit from the local fire brigade!

Year 4 Art Excursion
As part of our final unit of inquiry into “Art communicates meaning and provokes varying reactions”, Year 4 students will be partaking in an excursion to the city.

Year 5 Taste of High School
As part of their community outreach, Kew High have invited the grade 5’s to come and visit their campus and explore what life is like as a high school student.