Specialist subjects
Learning the French language fosters students’ ability to think and reflect about how language works, and to develop an understanding towards others.
At Kew Primary School students from Prep to Year Six enjoy one 60-minute session of French per week. Students have fun learning French language and culture through use of a wide range of resources designed for language learning, including books, teacher-generated materials and online resources. Their learning is enriched by exposure to a range of authentic texts such as websites, films, stories and songs. Student progress is assessed regularly in the four key language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Students also have the opportunity to learn about French through their units of inquiry, as part of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP). Students develop their French language skills, foster their ability to think and reflect about the workings of language, and learn to appreciate other cultures and their own. Combined with the PYP, the French program contributes to an internationally minded education at Kew Primary School.
Kew Primary School library is the central hub for literacy in our school. During the weekly library session, the students listen to and discuss a picture book that could relate to their current unit of inquiry, learner profiles or key concepts, a current event or celebration. The Librarian also shares newly released books with the students. Students then have the opportunity to browse, borrow and read.
The library maintains a current collection of resources including online subscriptions all selected to support learning and encourage a love of reading.
Each year we participate in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge, a program designed by the Department of Education and Training to ensure exposure to quality literature and the enjoyment of meeting a Challenge.
The Children’s Book Council of Australia Book Week is in August and we share in the celebration of excellence in Australian children's literature.
We also support the Indigenous Literacy Foundation with a book swap during the year.
Performing Arts
Performing Arts is an integral part of the curriculum at Kew Primary School. It allows the children to extend fundamental values and often relates to the inquiry units explored across the school. When rehearsing and performing, students extend and consolidate their knowledge of:
Physical movement and coordination with Dance and coordination whilst playing musical instruments
Essential public speaking skills through drama activities
Mathematical skills with rhythm and beat such as figuring out the duration of sounds in rhythm
The beauty of language and poetry and the magic of how words are woven into song
Historical descriptions of people’s lives throughout history and how music influenced them
Higher order thinking which allows students to think and create in complex patterns, question their own and others contributions in group performance and enables them to improve and make their performance the best they can
During the 60 minute class per week, students explore tuned and non-tuned instruments, accompanied and unaccompanied Song, Dance and Drama activities. The emphasis on all activities throughout each level is based on individuals using their learnt skills and contributions to combine and demonstrate teamwork and cooperation.
School Production
Every second year Kew Primary holds a whole school production. The process provides opportunity for students to participate in all aspects of performance, including stage craft such as costume and set design. Students enjoy being involved in devising, rehearsing and performing both musical and non-musical narrative structures.
Physical Education
The Physical Education program at Kew Primary school aims to promote the foundations of healthy and active lifestyles while giving all students the opportunity to enjoy, succeed and learn a range of different sports and skills. The program is taught in accordance with the Victorian and PYP Curriculum with a major focus on developing and refining key fundamental motor and movement skills.
As the students’ progress and develop their skills, they will begin to apply complex motor sport specific skills such as game knowledge, strategy and teamwork to achieve success in a range of different sports. We also offer many opportunities for students to engage in different sporting programs.
Students in Grade 3-6 also participate in House Sporting Carnivals such as Swimming, Cross-Country, Basketball and Athletics which provides an opportunity to progress to interschool competition. Grade 5 & 6 students also compete in Kew District interschool sporting competitions in Terms 1 & 2.
Visual Arts
The Kew Primary Art room is an exciting, vibrant, creative learning space. The Visual Art program is based on the Victorian Curriculum and makes links with the classroom PYP units of inquiry. Students from Prep – Year 6 experience weekly 1hr art lessons with a specifically trained Visual Arts teacher.
The art program aims to promote creativity, inquiry-based learning and development of fine motor skills. Children are introduced to a wide variety of experiences using different materials and techniques. Students explore a range of different art forms including drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, clay, sculpture, construction and textiles. They interpret and respond to art work from many different cultures around the world.
The artworks produced by our talented students are celebrated and displayed around the school and in our classrooms.