Prep at KPS
Prep is such an exciting year for children, parents, carers and teachers. Our Prep program is centred around a balance of discovery-based learning and explicit teaching of fundamental skills.
In discovery learning students explore the Victorian Curriculum through a range of hands-on activities. Skills such as reading, writing and counting are taught explicitly, and personalised for the learning needs of students. The beginning of Prep is largely focused on building students’ social and emotional skills and school routines.
Prep teachers
Our Prep teachers for 2025 are Emily Langford, Katie Braemar, Rosie McCullock and Sophie Apperly.
Transition program
Students transition to school with 4-day weeks, and will not attend the first 6 Wednesdays (29th of January; 5th, 12th, 19th, and the 26th of February and the 5th of March 2025) of the school year. These Prep-Free Wednesdays are utilised to complete 1 to 1 interviews between the teacher and prep students. The data collected in these interviews help to inform future planning and teaching.
First school week of 2025
For the first week of school, Prep students will have varying school hours to the rest of the school community. This is to help them transition smoothly into school life and provide them with much needed down time. Remember it is normal for your child to be tired as they adapt to their new school environment and routines! Please see the timetable below detailing the start/finish times for Week 1.