Parent payments
We provide students with free instruction to fulfill the standard Victorian curriculum and all contributions are voluntary, however, the ongoing support by our families ensures that Kew Primary can offer the best possible education and support for our students.
For more information on Parent Payments see the Parent Payment Policy from the Department of Education and Training.
Curriculum contributions
These contributions cover the costs of items the school provides over and above the DET State Government funding. All families are invited to pay for these items which include but are not limited to:
Items such as books pens, pencils and student stationery
Materials and consumables for classroom learning
Information and computer technology requirements specific items for Art, Language and Physical Education
Other contributions
We rely heavily on voluntary contributions to ensure our facilities and grounds are well maintained and ensures the purchase of valuable learning resources for maths, literacy, library, first aid and ICT resources.
Parent Payment Arrangements:
Parent Payment Arrangements (259KB)
Parent Payments Policy Overview (220KB)
We appreciate the challenges some families will face moving forward and strongly encourage you to contact the Principal Pete deWacht if you are or anticipate experiencing hardship or financial difficulties. A number of options are available to you including an alternative payment plan, State Schools Relief and CSEF. Please be assured these conversations are always kept confidential.