We are fortunate to have an amazing physical environment at Kew Primary to support the students, whatever their passion may be. We also have a focus on digital technologies, and all students have access to a range of digital technologies.
We are very mindful of cyber safety and are an eSmart accredited school. We constantly teach our students to use all forms of digital technology in a responsible and safe manner. We use Microsoft Teams as our remote collaboration tool and found it to be very successful in enabling delivery of a strong remote learning program when required due to Covid restrictions.
Some of our other amazing facilities to enjoy include
2 Astroturf ovals – one senior school and 1 junior
Music Cube – for private music lessons onsite
Year 4-6 – 1:1 iPad program
Basketball courts
Giant chessboard
Buddy bench – for encouraging interaction between younger students and their buddies
Positive play area with water pumps and sand pits
3 separate play areas for junior, middle and seniors
Gaga Ball pit and climbing cube
Grassed play areas
Green screen for creative video production
School library