Policies & Plans
Annual Implementation Plan
Kew Primary has an Annual Implementation Plan that outlines yearly goals for achieving success with an alignment to the 4 year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2024.
These plans are based around the achievement of our students and staff, and focuses on area we would like to improve in the short and long term.
Annual Implementation Plan 2024 (273KB)
Annual Report 2023 (272KB)
Strategic Plan 2020-2024 (139KB)
School policies
We are required to maintain a suite of policies in order to ensure that every eventuality has been considered. A full range of policies for existing students can be found on Compass, our School/Home communication portal, and additional Departmental required polices are located and can be downloaded below:
Child Safe Policies
Child Safety Code of Conduct (95KB)
Child Safety and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures (351KB)
Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy (733KB)
General policies
Anaphylaxis Management Policy (320KB)
Asthma Management Policy (503KB)
Bullying Prevention Policy (237KB)
Camps and Excursion Policy (279KB)
Complaints Policy (512KB)
Digital Learning Policy (360KB)
First Aid Policy (255KB)
Homework (Home Learning) Policy (112KB)
Inclusion and Diversity Policy (235KB)
Mobile Phone and Personal Devices Policy (309KB)
Personal Property Policy (424KB)
Photographing, Filming and Recording Children Policy (286KB)
Privacy Collection Notice (200KB)
Statement of Values and School Philosophy (261KB)
Student Dress Code Policy (599KB)
Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy (607KB)
Sun Smart Policy (207KB)
Visitors to the School Policy (299KB)
Volunteer Policy (289KB)