Extracurricular opportunities
From music to sport, we have it covered. Outside of the curriculum we are fortunate to be able to offer a variety of opportunities for the students to engage with.
Some of the activities on offer include:
On-site music lessons with Creative Music for Schools
Soccer with Football Star Academy
Chess Club with Chess Ideas
A variety of sports programs with Kelly Sports
Dance Club with Kelly Sports
These activities typically incur a cost, to be payable to the organisation running the program. Full program details for each activity can be found on the above links, or by contacting the office.
Lunchtime Clubs are also on offer. These clubs are to encourage students to develop skills in collaboration with each other and their teachers. Throughout the year different lunchtime clubs are available including Leo Club, Art Club, Science Club, Drawing Club and Maths Club. In addition, the Library is open and available for students.
Currently, these clubs are:
Maths Club