School uniform
We believe that the School Uniform gives our students an opportunity to express pride in their school and gives them a sense of belonging. Issues of equality, health and safety, and expense are also factors that contribute to the establishment of the dress code.
Wearing the school uniform reduces student competition on the basis of clothing and enhances the profile and identity of the school and its students within the wider community.
There are many combinations of the school uniform on offer, as can be seen in the images below. It is school policy that during terms 1 and 4 Sunsmart hats are to be worn. Please ensure all clothing and hats are named.
New uniforms
Uniform items with the school logo can be purchased from Bob Stewart.
Second-hand uniforms
A second-hand uniform store also operates for parents and is run by volunteers. Contact details and opening hours will be communicated in the newsletter.
The Second Hand Uniform Shop welcomes donations of School Uniforms, Library bags, or plain raincoats. However, please DO NOT donate items that are in need of repair, are badly faded or are stained. Donations can be left at the school office.
For those parents wishing to buy uniforms, all items in the shop are laundered (where practical), in good condition, and are ready to wear!
** All proceeds from the sale of second-hand uniforms will go towards items/activities for the School Community as determined by the PTA and School Council.