Transition program
Beginning school marks a special and exciting milestone for children and their parents/carers. To ensure that your child’s transition from Kindergarten to Prep is a smooth and positive experience, we offer a comprehensive transition program at Kew Primary School.
Your child will attend three sessions where they will meet the Prep teachers and experience fun, engaging learning activities that will introduce them to the school environment and their new peers. Our transition program aims to build your child’s sense of belonging and confidence prior to commencing Prep. We believe it is a privilege to be part of your child’s educational journey and we look forward to working with you to provide the best possible start for your child.
The usual Transition program, from Kinder to Prep, typically takes place over a series of different days, and involves the prospective Prep students coming into their new classes in December. Here they spend time playing with each other and getting to know the teachers. This also enables out teachers to assess each child and begin to form classes that will link friendship groups and other attributes.
This experience gives the children a sense of where they will come when they start, where to hang their bags, and how things work around the school.