FAQs for new parents

As a parent or carer with a child starting at Kew Primary, it’s only natural you may have a few questions. Most answers can be found here. For any other questions please call the office who will only be too happy to help.

  • The Kew Primary School uniform is available at Bob Stewart in High St, Kew. A Second Hand Uniform Shop operates at the school with dates listed in the newsletter, or by appointment.

    All the children at school wear the KPS tops and jumpers but shorts, skorts and tracksuit pants that are unbranded and navy blue are also frequently worn. Most children wear white or navy plain socks. Black shoes and white sneakers are the most common footwear but sturdy closed-toe shoes of dark blue or blue, grey are also fine.

    Check out the Uniform Page for more information

  • To start with, please label everything!

    • School bag To help your child identify their own bag, a bag tag or keyring is a good idea.

    • Lunch and drink bottle – These are to be taken out of their school bag at the beginning of the day and placed in the classroom tubs. It’s worth checking they are in there again at the end of the day!

    • School hat – A ‘no hat, no play’ policy applies during terms 1 and 4. It should also be worn on sunny days throughout the year.

    • Art smock and library bag – Bring these in when your child begins school and place them in the classroom tubs.

  • Firstly, please label everything! Whether your preference is iron-on, sew-on or black texta, make sure to include your child’s full name.

    • Lost property – there are a few locations to search for lost property around the school.

    • The junior entrance shelving – This is the first stop for Prep and Grade 2 parents, as it’s the closest one to their classrooms, but can also contain items left nearby in the playground.

    • Clothing Rack in main building – The main location is a cupboard at the far end of the corridor in the main building. Ask the Office Staff for directions.

    • Team Kids (OSHC) – Team Kids have their own lost property collection. Even if your child does not attend, items can end up here if they are left on the oval after school.

  • There are a number of children with allergies to a variety of food sources, so ideally a lunchbox with a sandwich, some fruits or vegetables and a side of cheese is a popular, easy choice.

    Other ideas include wraps, rolls, sushi, mixed platter of veggies, cheese, cured meat and crackers.

    Sharing of food is actively discouraged.

  • The class teacher is available for brief discussions before and after school, 8.45am to 9am and 3.30pm to 3.45pm, unless they have meetings or yard duty. For a longer meeting, make an appointment at a time that suits you both.

  • If a matter is urgent, such as injury or emotional distress, you will be contacted by phone immediately. COMPASS is the main method of communication for class excursions, important messages from the school or council, after-school activities and Learning Tasks.

    The school newsletter provides information for upcoming events and activities at the school and highlights of the school’s recent activities and developments.

    Regular school assemblies take place and provide an opportunity for students, teachers and parents to share news, celebrate successes and enjoy the community spirit!

  • For those younger members of our school community, we encourage families to collect students from outside their classroom.

    Some parents have an allocated spot at the school to meet their child. The welcome area, the giant lizard, the Peel Street gate, the Pakington Street gate, at their classroom door, the monkey bars – it doesn’t matter where this location is as long as you all agree.

  • Team Kids (Outside of School Hours Care) is available for regular or one-off out of hours care. You do need to register online first.

    Team Kids staff will collect preps from their classroom in term 1. After this, children need to go to the OSH building and line up to sign themselves in.

  • Contact the office if you are running late so your child can be contacted to meet you in the office.

    It's also a good idea to contact another parent in your child’s class so alternate arrangements can be made.

    An announcement over the loud speaker at 3.45pm informs any uncollected children to come to the office and the staff will try to contact you and your emergency contacts.

  • All students arriving late to school MUST be signed in by a parent or carer at the office using the COMPASS Kiosk before going to class.

    They will be issued with an arrival card, which needs to be given to their classroom teacher. Your child should be accompanied by an adult.

    If your child is arriving late and you as the parent/guardian are not present, the absence will not be approved and you will be asked to return to Kew PS to sign in your child.

  • If you need your child for any reason, such as a medical or dental appointment, during school hours, please send a written request stating the time you will collect him/her from the classroom.