Getting involved

We encourage parents and carers to be involved at Kew Primary at whatever level they are able to. From helping in the classroom, to lending a hand with the working bees on school grounds, by attending a Peppercorn BBQ, joining our wonderful Parent Teacher Association or School Council or simply by contributing to the Voluntary Contributions funds, all participation is welcome.

Parents and carers helpers

At Kew Primary School, we have a strong home school partnership and culture of community support. One valuable and much appreciated part of this is the help we receive from parents as helpers in classrooms and on excursions. Without these helpers many of the excursions could not operate, so we greatly appreciate the giving of time.

Parents and carers who wish to assist in the classroom, or on excursions are required to attend an information session and provide a valid Working with Children Check to the office. Please ask your childs teacher for more details.

School Council

All government schools in Victoria have a school council, which is a legal entity in its own right. School councils operate under the framework of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and The Education Regulations 2007.

School Council serves a number of purposes and is comprised of a combination of families, staff and community members. Their role is to;

  • Establish the broad direction and vision of the school within the school's community

  • Develop and monitor the school strategic plan

  • Develop, review and update school policies

  • Raise funds for school-related purposes

  • Approve the annual budget and monitor expenditure

  • Help to maintain the school’s grounds and facilities

  • Enter into contracts (e.g. cleaning, construction work)

  • Report annually to the school community and to DEECD

  • Stimulate interest in the school generally

The sub-committees are:-

  • Finance

  • Building & Grounds

  • Policy Education and Communication

  • PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

For more information on any of this please contact Pete deWacht, or see the Policies page for detailed information.

Parent Teacher Association

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) provides a vital link within Kew Primary, without the operation of which would mean very few social events, gatherings and much less a sense of Kemmunity.

The PTA has two goals:

  1. To encourage a strong sense of community at our school, where everyone feels that they belong, and relationships can grow that help support the school at every level.

  2. Help fundraise to make improvements to our school, like the new sandpit, the Climbing cube, and the newly installed air-conditioning in the Junior School, the GAGA ball pit, and the Performing Arts room.

We have a diverse community with students and families, which is a key strength of our school. Kew Primary has a high level of parent involvement, which helps build a strong sense of connectedness.

Please think about becoming involved in whatever way you can at our school. We look forward to welcoming you, and wish you a fantastic time of learning and enjoyment! Information about how the PTA works can be found here

If you are interested in a role on the core committee or as a class representative, or if you would like to share ideas and let us know about your availability to help at an event please contact the school office - we'd love to hear from you!